Thursday, July 13, 2006

New additions to the web site

After having several requests for 18 inch build a bear clothes, American Girl clothing, and doggie outfits--I am seriously considering it. It seems the baby boomer generation is collecting dolls and bears for themselves and their grandkids. I have a bear myself that my daughter got me a couple of years ago complete with pjs and a tennis outfit. And we won't even go there--with the doggie stuff. I have just become a "doggie person". I have always liked dogs, had some great ones--but this little whipper snapper has captured my heart and pocketbook like nobody's business! He is my constant companion and so much fun. Gizzie is a toy rat terrier and firmly rules our roost--all five pounds of him! My husband and I are completely besotted with this dog--heaven help us when we have grandkids!

Anyway, if you have any postive comments about the bear, doll, and doggie clothing, please let me know. My next post will have pix of Gizzie from his one year birthday party! Love and peace!

Oh and one last thought--anyone who hasn't register to win the free kid's outfit or summer purse--get your entries in tonight. Visit my web site and use the entry form on the front page!

First prize:

Second prize:


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