Thursday, July 27, 2006

Too hot to think about fall, but SCHOOL is about to start!

With a heat and humidity index of a zillion degrees here in coastal NC, it doesn't seem possible the start of school is less than 4 weeks away! AND it's time to get those fall fashions on the web site and ready for our great customers!

We have a couple of cute Halloween baby jumpers that could easily work as a costume too. I remember when my kids were small, I just hated putting them in those store bought costumes, especially with those masks. I was never sure they could see out of the blasted things are not! We have these dresses for 18 months/1T and 2/3T that you might be interested in. They feature a black bodice with an appliqued spider and a cutie pie skirt with baby spiders and webs. The webs glow in the dark a bit and while it won't take the place of mom's careful guidance, it will make your little tyke just a bit easier to see in the dark. Add some makeup, tights and a top, a few chenille antennae, and viola a cute little spider outfit!

These are specially priced at $22.00 plus $4.50 shipping. Don't wait, not many of these left!


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Here are the pictures I promised of the Gizzie pup

This is a picture of his favorite fabric! Notice how he chose the UNC Tarheel blanket to lie on! LOL

One very popular item we have on our site, for babies, toddlers, girls, and ladies are the beaded socks. They just make any outfit more special. Our crafter from West Virginia makes these one pair at the time and they are so much fun. Here's a pix of the color range available--one for almost any outfit and she will mix beads for a two tone look. See more information on our web site:

New additions to the web site

After having several requests for 18 inch build a bear clothes, American Girl clothing, and doggie outfits--I am seriously considering it. It seems the baby boomer generation is collecting dolls and bears for themselves and their grandkids. I have a bear myself that my daughter got me a couple of years ago complete with pjs and a tennis outfit. And we won't even go there--with the doggie stuff. I have just become a "doggie person". I have always liked dogs, had some great ones--but this little whipper snapper has captured my heart and pocketbook like nobody's business! He is my constant companion and so much fun. Gizzie is a toy rat terrier and firmly rules our roost--all five pounds of him! My husband and I are completely besotted with this dog--heaven help us when we have grandkids!

Anyway, if you have any postive comments about the bear, doll, and doggie clothing, please let me know. My next post will have pix of Gizzie from his one year birthday party! Love and peace!

Oh and one last thought--anyone who hasn't register to win the free kid's outfit or summer purse--get your entries in tonight. Visit my web site and use the entry form on the front page!

First prize:

Second prize:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

wonderful show in Gatlinburg TN

My sister and I took our annual girls weekend away in Galtinburg Tennessee this year. I could recommend this quaint little town to anyone in search of low key fun and relaxation. We visited the Ripley's Aquarium there--definitely worth a visit, particularly for the kids. Although not a kid, I enjoyed the aquatic creatures very, very much. If you are a military family, be sure to ask for the military discount. Being a crafter myself, the craft "loop" was a bit disappointing, but there were a few worth a definite visit.

On my birthday, I was treated to see the "MEMORIES" show which featured Elvis, Barney, Patsy Cline, Tim McGraw, Buddy Holly and more. These were excellent impersonators--I was in total love with the Elvis--and I am a bit particular about who represents the king! Here's one pix, don't you agree he looks quite a bit like Elvis? Fun trip, great memories. Check out Gatlinburg if you get a chance.